A collection of 19 death fetish goth-sploitation tales.
ONE LAST CUMSHOT – Ashe uses her oral talents to earn a creamy cumshot from her boyfriend. But as adorable as she looks with her face painted with his seed, he has a greater desire to make her a corpse of pliant flesh to play with. FEATURES… M/F, con, oral, facial, snuff, necksnap, necrophilia, tit-fucking, anal
WILL STRIP FOR FOOD – Bex’s reckless endeavor to engage in a little anonymous sex in public ends poorly for her when the man who takes her up on the offer for flesh in exchange for food decides to feed her some hot lead. FEATURES… M/F, con, vaginal, creampie, stripping, snuff, shot in the head, bladder release
GET OUT OF HELL FREE – Clea’s faith in a novelty Get Out of Hell Free card proves to be a foolish mistake for her, but an amusing surprise for the pack of winged demons that welcome her to damnation. FEATURES… M+/F, noncon, rape, demons, hard vore, breast abuse, vaginal, anal, double penetration, soul-sucking, snuff, bladder release
TUB TROUBLE – Aeryn enjoys a leisurely bath, getting herself nice and squeaky clean before she puts on some music to masturbate to. Unfortunately, accidents happen and electrictiy and water make for a fatal combination. FEATURES… F solo, masturbation, death, electrocution, bladder release
SHE HAS EYES MADE FOR CRYING – Caught in a sticky web of depression after her latest photo set gets denied for publication, Amber decides to send the site that denied her a special video, one that begins with an erotic display and ends with a bang. FEATURES… F solo, masturbation, exhibitionism, suicide, death, shot in the head, bladder release
DEMON IN THE CEMETERY – Kylie’s trip to the cemetery to do some gravestone rubbings is spoiled by the hungry demon lurking there. FEATURES… M/F, noncon, rape, demon, vaginal, anal, double penetration, breast abuse, hard vore
BATHROOM BREAK – Elara awakes in the middle of the night with a full bladder. The intruder lurking in her apartment catches her on the way to the bathroom and has some fun with the sleepy goth before bringing her life to an end. FEATURES… M/F, noncon, rape, vaginal, anal, snuff, cord strangulation, neck break, bladder release
SPRAYED – Helena’s habit of defacing public property with graffiti costs her dearly when a couple of shady cops catch her in the act. FEATURES… M/M/F, semi-con, oral, vaginal, anal, double penetration, tit-fucking, snuff, choked with spray paint, bladder release, corpse defilement, M solo, masturbation, cumshot
KAREN’S ZOMBIE THREESOME – Fresh from the bath and with only a robe to protect her, Karen finds she’s no match for the pair of horny zombies that have broken into her house. FEATURES… M/F, M/M/F, noncon, rape, undead, zombies, vaginal, bladder release, necrophilia, creampie, oral, cunnilingus, hard vore, vaginal abuse, snuff, decapitation, fingering, head fucking
FOR HIRE – Lola is a virgin when it comes to killing for hire, and her first mark is a doozy. Despite being attractive and charming, he’s a killer, too, and his favorite prey is cute goth girls like her. FEATURES… M/F, con, vaginal, belly shooting, breast shooting, snuff, bladder release, necrophilia, facial
MAGNETIC MAYHEM – Marie’s extensive collection of piercings prove to be the perfect means of torture and execution for her. That her end comes from a pristine, unpierced and untattooed version of herself with a giant magnet only leaves her to die with unanswered questions. FEATURES… F, bondage, torture, piercings torn out, bladder release, impaled with needles, knives, and a sword, death, decapitation
THE DEATH OF THE PARTY – Raven’s inexperience with partying leaves her far too inebriated and helpless against the attentions of a wicked admirer. FEATURES… M/F, noncon, rape, vaginal, strangling, creampie, snuff, neck snap, bladder release
AMANDA’S LAST DATE – Fresh out of a long-term relationship, Amanda gets set up with a new guy. Her initial ambivalence leads to a surprising attraction and it isn’t long before their back at her place to do the deed. In her excitement, Amanda encourages her date to engage in a bit of breathplay, not considering the dangers of her inexperienced partner taking it too far. FEATURES… M/F, con, oral, blowjob, vaginal, breathplay, strangling, snuff, necrophilia, creampie
BATH TIME WITH LAURA – After a long shift at work, Laura returns home in need of a nice, relaxing bath and a bit of self-pleasure. But one of the customers from her resturaunt has followed her him with some needs of his own. FEATURES… F solo, masturbation, M/F, noncon, rape, snuff, drowning, creampie,
DANA HANGS – Dana becomes the unfortunate victim of a serial killer with his very own gallows. FEATURES… M/F, noncon, rape, fingering, vaginal, creampie, kidnapping, bladder release, hanging, snuff
BREAKING & ENTERING – Kristin explores an abandoned warehouse and finds a lonely killer eager to make her acquaintance. FEATURES… M/F, noncon, rape, vaginal, anal, oral, blowjob, cumshot, facial, snuff, neck snap, bladder release, necrophilia
BEACH BUM – Andi and Kim’s day at the beach is spoiled by a psycho beach bum. FEATURES… M/F, rape, noncon, vaginal, drowning, creampie, bladder release, post-mortem neck snap, necrophilia, anal, strangulation
LOOKING OUT – Inez likes having sex with anonymous guys in dangeorus places. The abandoned house she finds proves to be a bit too dangerous. FEATURES… M/F, snuff, accidental death, decapitation, bladder release, guro, head fucking, facial
LAST DANCE – Cheryl breaks the first rule of Club Nova. Never give a private dance to a Slime Lad. FEATURES… stripping, dancing, soft vore, digestion
WORD COUNT: 32,051
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