Digital Damsels Pack

In a world created by data discarded into the magical ether that is the internet, you’re bound to encounter some weird stuff. No pun intended. The Digimon series has been around for two decades, spanning toys, virtual pets, games, five separate anime timelines, and more movies than can be kept track of since most of…

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In a world created by data discarded into the magical ether that is the internet, you’re bound to encounter some weird stuff. No pun intended.

The Digimon series has been around for two decades, spanning toys, virtual pets, games, five separate anime timelines, and more movies than can be kept track of since most of them were Japan exclusive, but I want to focus in on the anime. With seven seasons under its belt and an eighth ongoing, Digimon has proven its ability to last; so, with Silver’s help, we put together a new pack that pays tribute to one of our favourite franchises by featuring a character from seven seasons, with an extra tossed in for good measure. Got a couple guest appearances in there too, so that’s probably good.

Additionally, as it’s a bit of a staple of Digimon, Silver went and did some colour variants of every character featured in this pack because she’s a mad renegade that doesn’t play by your rules. With the exception of Virus and Vaccine Cherubimon, all of the colour variants were done by her. For the sake of keeping things simple, the colour variants are all in their own folders because there would otherwise be a few hundred images in the same folder in some cases. I’m also not including the colour variants in the number of alts listed below since I don’t want to artificially inflate the numbers.

There are eight unique images featured in this pack, with a total of 166 variants. There are an additional 266 futa variants, and as always, they are kept separate so you won’t see them if you don’t want to.

Price in USD: $10


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