Octo Abduction Bondage Art Pack


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“Some terrible news out of Inkopolis tonight, the simultaneous disappearances of four women late last night. ‘The Squid Sisters,’ Callie and Marie, as well as Pearl and Marina of ‘Off the Hook’ vanished without a trace over the span of less than an hour. While some say the idols simply went into hiding as a publicity stunt, others believe it was a highly elaborate abduction as they disappeared from public places while travelling with their managers, and the four were expected to meet with an influential producer that same night. Additionally, there were scattered reports of Octarians around the city at the same time, meaning there may be a connection. Their whereabouts are currently unknown, but police are still investigating. We’ll bring you more as the story unfolds.”

The Octarians are back, and they’re not messing around this time! An intricate plot has been woven to kidnap the idols of Inkopolis using any means necessary; stuffed in a car trunk, loaded into a truck, held in crates, and transported to a hidden lair with no means of escape. What will happen to them? Only time will tell…

Four unique images can be found in this pack, each depicting a different stage of the abduction, with 122 total variants. For those that care, you can also find 194 futa variants. As always, they’re kept completely separate, so you won’t see them if you don’t want to. There are so many more because some images have multiple characters.

If you do decide to buy the pack, please let me know your opinions on it! Feedback is quite valuable, but I would also just like to hear which image you liked the most.

Price in USD: $6


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