My lucky dip of nightmares~
Bubblegum horror anthologies and comics, featuring the most unfortunate of people trapped in the most awful and depraved situations. With no telling what could come next, prepare for the dirtiest, darkest, and most delicious surprises!
Having trouble buying packs, or you want to find my public work, chat, or AMA?
Find me, my Discord and SubscribeStar, and all my free content galleries all on my website! 🙂
CW: Horror, Weird/Gross stuff, Permanence, Torture and Guro, Hazmat, Monsters, Magic and Sci-Fi, Stories and Comics
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Latest Release

Sweet Dreams Zine #02
Close your eyes and come to sleep tonight, and the Nightmare Pixie will take you away into another time and another place and show you all the horrible dreams and nightmares you’ve been too afraid to ask for!
Fuelled by Subscribers
Anthologies and packs of stories written and created in collaboration with my Subscribers. I’ll take premises and ideas to them, and various subscribers will design characters, instruct me to include specific kinks or ideas or suggest and discuss things that could happen. We make the story up as we go. Every page gets a vote, and I improvise what happens next. I also work with individuals to make short series or standalones, and I get in guest writers and artists to contribute to the mix. Collaboratively we extract the nightmares of many. You are the fuel.
Sweet Dreams Zine #01£12.00
Sweet Dreams Zine #02£15.00
Fuelled by Dreamers
Standalone or serial stories and packs I’ve made directly in collaboration with individuals, writers, or commissioners. These worlds and characters are largely designed and devised by my collaborator, while I work with them to come up with ideas, develop the stories, and understand how we can make their nightmares fuel my pen.
Additional Downloadable Naughtiness
Archives for collectors featuring PixelJail commissions, standalone illustrations and sketches of the year. All content here can be found free online, but here is compiled into clean and seamless smutty archives.