In late June of 2018, not long after the E3 reveal of Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Sakurai did an interview with Famitsu called “Smash is Special”. It detailed how he and his team work so hard on that series because of how much it matters to them, and also to us; a series that, on surface level, may just look like a fighting game with a bunch of characters slapped together. However, to say that it’s merely special doesn’t fully represent how much it has impacted us. Well, for me, at least, Smash is all eras of my life combined – for better or worse – and there’s simply no way to properly explain it to someone that hasn’t been following the series since the beginning. It has not only influenced the way I play, but I owe Smash for getting me to where I am today. The series began as a love letter to Nintendo fans, and had it not been made, the entire way I create what I do would not exist. Frankly, I probably would have given up on drawing several years ago. Not only that, but it helped me cope with one of the most depressing periods of my life. To say I owe it a lot would be an understatement.
This pack is my way of showing my love for this series. Smash is indeed special, in a way that’s wholly unique to it. That’s what compelled me to marathon the completion of this pack to a degree I haven’t before, because I refuse to let another one of these games pass by without taking a moment to pay respects, especially when this may very well be the end of an era.
In true Smash fashion, I used this opportunity to create scenarios and pairings only possible in this kind of crossover world. Each image was meticulously planned to represent as many series as possible, while taking full advantage of each setting and character to embody the chaotic nature of Smash to the best of my ability.
With eight unique images in this pack, ladies from across Nintendo’s history have all been gathered and placed in a wide variety of kinky scenarios enveloped in the quirks and rules of Smash to further entice and titillate. With a total of 11 characters featured, let the waifu wars begin anew, and settle it… in Smash!
There are 272 total variants, and for those that care, you can also find 326 futa variants. As always, they’re kept completely separate, so you won’t see them if you don’t want to.
If you enjoyed the pack, please let me know what you liked about it! I’m curious to see which image will be considered the best of the bunch.
Price in USD: $10
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